League of Legends Jinx The Loose Cannon action figure.
Material: PVC.
Size: 24 cm.
$62.00 – $69.00
League of Legends Jinx The Loose Cannon action figure.
Material: PVC.
Size: 24 cm.
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Figures & Plushies
Figures & Plushies
Figures & Plushies
Jewelry & Accessories
Figures & Plushies
Jewelry & Accessories
Jewelry & Accessories
R***r –
хорошие прочные, но видно что недорогие. большие фигурки
C***r –
llego rapido, buen producto
F***R –
Bien pour le prix
S***d –
у одной игрушки небыло ног
N***n –
lindos pero un poco inestables
L***e –
Mažos gražios figūrėlės.Vaikams labai patinka.Labai laukė atvykstant.Rekomenduoju. ir ačiū pardavėjui ♥️ Small beautiful figurines.Kids love it.Very much waiting for the arrival.I recommend. and thanks to the store ♥️
Customer –
The figure is very nice, corresponds to the photo. Fast delivery. Sadly it arrived without the box and broken. Anyway, great respond from the store.
D***i –
все так как в описании, игрушка очень понравилась дочери, спасибо большое, быстрая высылка и доставка, хорошо упаковано,но коробка немного повреждена при транспортировке,трек следился до конца, удалось товар купить по низкой цене, теперь он немного дороже стоит, всего самого наилучшего!
J***a –
Una figura muy bonita , más grande de lo que esperaba, 25 días llegar Colombia Bogotá, protegida, no tuve que contactar vendedor, recomendando.
D***o –
bastante grande y buena calidad por el precio que tiene
J***a –
Přišlo v naprostém pořádku. Moc hezký. Velká figurka překvapila. Díky.
G***g –
Bei der Verpackung hat der Verkäufer echt nicht gut gemacht aber die Figur sieht hübsch aus.
K***n –
Sieht mega gut aus bin baff von der Qualität. Top würde ich weiter empfehlen
A***s –
For the price it is great, love it! Great size and fast shipping. Obviously though, it has a few flaws. There are paint smudges on the back of the legs and the hair isn’t properly attached to the head (something I can’t fix unfortunately). But if you just put it up on a shelf it is perfect for $15 😉
S***z –
Buena calidad me a sorprendido gratamente
A***a –
Perfect. Like in the picture, I’m very satisfied of the product. Shipping was fast too.
Customer –
Je penser pas qu’elle était aussi grande, mais elle est magnifique vraiment bien détaillée. C’est un cadeau pour un amis. Je pense qu’il ne sera pas déçu de sont cadeau
E***s –
Jak za tą cenę figurka jest naprawdę dobrze zrobiona i pomalowana. Zaskakująca ilość szczegółów. Jest świetna
J***i –
Arrived earlier than expected perfect!
Customer –
Muñeca muy bien hecha con detalles tal y como en el juego LOL,,, hasta los tatuajes,,,, esta chulisima
Customer –
All fine
Customer –
Good quality, nicely painted, unexpectedly tall.
T***o –
Plutôt bien
T***o –
o produto é maravilhoso!!! é enorme, eu me arrependo de ter comprado só um, era pra ter comprados uns 3.muito recomendado.
C***c –
Заказывал в подарок моему другу. друг очень доволен качеством и сроком доставки.
R***l –
Unos cuantos golpes, pero nada grave
C*** –
very good figure
D***d –
really looks good
L***l –
классная хрень! кто пишет что ноги не встают на подставку, фигня. раздвигаем ноги и спокойно устанавливаем
V***v –
Очень хорошая фигурка,правда ехала долго однозначно берите.
R***l –
R***l –
Excelente figura, me encanto
Y***a –
Товар за свою цену просто великолепный. Дефектов не обнаружено. качество покраски отличное. Но посылка пришла очень помятой и упаковка ужасно повреждена
T***t –
super great!!!!
V***v –
Way bigger than expected. Nice find
A***t –
Да, фигурка 10/10, но упаковка, в которой она должна была прийти… это что-то с чем-то.. Плохо упаковывают, хотя просила лучше.. за это минус 🙂
J***n –
Super fast shipping 🙂 All as described.
P***a –
idéntico a la foto
V***o –
1)Сама фигурка грязная, часто встречаются черные, коричневые пятнышки 2)Видно швы от пластика, где-то лишний пластик. 3)Нога с пластырем, она другого материала, словно это нога дешевой подделки барби. 4)Коса, судя по всему, должна держаться в сапоге, но она вывалилась, и больше не держится. 4)Лишний пластик на челке 5)Краска с волос может оказаться и на других частях тела.
V***v –
o produto e otimo de boa qualidade, teve demora por parte dos correios, mas o vendedor foi super prestativo tentado resolver o problema de todas as maneiras, estou satisfeito e recomendo a todos!!
Y***ı –
Platform hariç çok iyi
В***ч –
Крутяк,не ожидал
H***i –
Good product and quality Vary larg figure Dimensions : From base to tip of rocket : 25 cm From foot in head : 20.5 cm With of base : 17 cm (all dimensions are by roller there could be a slight error in measurement) Recommended
R***a –
Excellent seller, good product! I’ll definitely continue shopping with you. Thank you.
R***a –
Excellent store, good product! I’ll definitely continue shopping with you. Thank you.
F***a –
Só não dou 5 estrelas pois veio com um pequeno descascado na parte rosa da perna direita e algumas outras imperfeições porém pelo preço está muito boa a qualidade em geral. Gostei bastante.
Customer –
отличная фигурка за такую цену! рекомендую
G***v –
Great figure, nicely done makeup, thx!
S***s –
Muy buena la calidad de la figura!! =)
T***l –
Memnun kaldık bir sorun yok. Tavsiye ederiz
E***a –
Muito linda, ótima peça
J***d –
Quality figure, well worth it! A+
D***z –
buen embalaje, figura en perfectas condiciones , muy buena calidad, el nivel de detalle es espectacular
Y***i –
Халасо, спасиба китаиса
N***o –
Tardo tres semanas en llegar. Es mas grande de lo que esperaba. muy bien los detalles de la figura. todo perfecto. muy bien envuelto
Customer –
EN perfecto estado y muy bien resguardado.
J***i –
Customer –
The product is very good!
G***a –
Gostei, recebi o produto muito bem embalado, só demorou muito para chegar, abri disputa mas encerrei quando eu recebi. Estou muito satisfeito!!
A***s –
Produto de excelentr qualidade. Belo acabamento, material perfeito, rico em detalhes. Demorou a chegar mas não hohve culpa por parte do vendedor.
A***n –
Пришло примерно за 2-3 недели, я доволен, спасибо <3
K***A –
T***m –
Simply amazing
S***i –
J***a –
Item arrived without any problems. Its great and my boyfriend will be very happy 🙂 Thank you
R***z –
Recibido de forma rápida. descripción exacta y detalles perfectos. Impecable.
K***k –
envío muy rapido. llega todo en buenas condiciones
L***a –
Muy bonita! Muy contenta con todos los detalles que tiene!!
S***r –
muy buena calidad identica a la imagen 100% recomendada
S***a –
güzel ama ayağının bir tanesi deliğe tam girmiyor ama ayakta durabiliyor
I***r –
So good
H***z –
La calidad de la figura esta muy bien y ha llegado muy rápido, 15 días a españa, estoy bastante satisfecho, una pena que no encaja bien la peana.
E***s –
muy buen producto y excelente embalaje 100 % recomendable
Customer –
Nice for its price, even though it does have some inconsistencies with the original Jinx in the game; the ears on Pow-Pow are missing, she does not have her usual black make-up, her lips are not dark purple, the tattoos do not really seem to be correct and on the base there is ‘Jinx the shooter’, while she usually is called ‘the loose cannon’. Also, Fishbones is like really just attached to her shoulder without any sign of a belt for this gun. For its price; it is amazing, however I do have problems getting the figurine on its base. Furthermore, those inconsistencies I described before probably have a good reason to be there and most of them are easy to fix if you can do some painting, if you find them too annoying. Cool figurine for a great price, but still trying to find a fix for attaching the figurine to the base.
Customer –
Todo ok!
Customer –
perfect condition
A***e –
Fast delivery, packed in one of those air pocket containers, which are very good for small items, product additionally wrapped in bubble wrap. Product quality is incredible, I honestly did not expect it to be this excellent. All pieces accounted for, perfect fit in their slots. Seller messaged me in a very friendly manner when the item was placed with the Chinese Postal Service. Highly recommend the seller. I would rate 10 out of 5. Would buy again if the services remain this good.
A****n A. –
Fast delivery, packed in one of those air pocket containers, which are very good for small items, product additionally wrapped in bubble wrap. Product quality is incredible, I honestly did not expect it to be this excellent. All pieces accounted for, perfect fit in their slots. Seller messaged me in a very friendly manner when the item was placed with the Chinese Postal Service. Highly recommend the seller. I would rate 10 out of 5. Would buy again if the services remain this good.
R***a –
Excellent seller, very good product! I’ll definitely continue shopping with you. Thank you.
R****n V. –
Excellent seller, very good product! I’ll definitely continue shopping with you. Thank you.
L***t –
très beau produit dommage que la boîte d’origine ne soit pas fournie. La la figurine est emballé dans du papier bulle
L*****t H. –
très beau produit dommage que la boîte d’origine ne soit pas fournie. La la figurine est emballé dans du papier bulle
O***v –
Качество на уровне.
O**g T. –
Качество на уровне.
L***k –
Very fast delivery, good quality for this price, im very satisfied, really recommend
L****z T. –
Very fast delivery, good quality for this price, im very satisfied, really recommend
M***z –
figura tal cual la descripción, envió rapidísimo, recomendado al 100%.
M****l D. –
figura tal cual la descripción, envió rapidísimo, recomendado al 100%.
M***a –
Все хорошо. качество хорошее. Все целое. пришло в надежной упаковке с воздухом. рекомендую
M****a Y. –
Все хорошо. качество хорошее. Все целое. пришло в надежной упаковке с воздухом. рекомендую
S***a –
Excelente figura llego muy protegida y de buena calidad muy conforme
S*******n R. –
Excelente figura llego muy protegida y de buena calidad muy conforme
I***n –
Esta en buen estado, todo correcto, igual que en la foto y bien protegido. El único problema es que a la hora de colocarlo en el pequeño atril cuesta un poco y no entran bien los encajes.
I****a S. –
Esta en buen estado, todo correcto, igual que en la foto y bien protegido. El único problema es que a la hora de colocarlo en el pequeño atril cuesta un poco y no entran bien los encajes.
Customer –
пришла где то за месяц, покупкой довольна, спасибо.
Customer –
excelente!! llego super rapido.. y en perfectas condiciones.. 🙂 gracias!!
R***a –
Excellent seller, very good product I will definitely buy more with you .. thank you
R****n V. –
Excellent seller, very good product I will definitely buy more with you .. thank you
A***z –
Tardó casi 3 meses en llegar pero llegó en buen estado, muy contento
A*******o P. –
Tardó casi 3 meses en llegar pero llegó en buen estado, muy contento
A********a H. –
A well packed figure. Shipping was fast. One big problem was that Jinx feet was hard to put in the holes (so the figure stands). Somehow I managed to put them in the holes by pressing quite hard.
R***v –
Всё как на картинке. Пришло за 19 дней в Москву
R***n N. –
Всё как на картинке. Пришло за 19 дней в Москву
M***s –
Tudo certo produto de muita boa qualidade que pena foi a demora de chegar.
M*****o R. –
Tudo certo produto de muita boa qualidade que pena foi a demora de chegar.
Customer –
The only problem I’ve had with this product was all buyer side. I have too little trust in myself to put her fully on the platform, the order shipped fast, it was fully intact and exactly as described.
C***o –
Thank you the product arrived very fast I liked it and same of the photo I recommend the product of the seller of much quality
C********n F. –
Thank you the product arrived very fast I liked it and same of the photo I recommend the product of the seller of much quality
R****n V. –
Excellent store, very good product I will definitely buy more with you .. thank you
M***a –
vendedor recomendado, el artículo ha venido muy bien protegido y ha llegado muy rápido
M****m G. –
vendedor recomendado, el artículo ha venido muy bien protegido y ha llegado muy rápido
Customer –
No damage at all, perfect
R***a –
Excellent seller, very good product !! Sure to continue shopping with you thank you
R****n V. –
Excellent store, very good product !! Sure to continue shopping with you thank you
S***r –
Thank you very much for the item. This item is beautiful and wonderful packaging. The seller is honest, despite the delay of arrival of the parcel. This is not from the seller. It is from the country’s mail where the item is strong and fixed on the table. Thanks Seller Iwa
S**d B. –
Thank you very much for the item. This item is beautiful and wonderful packaging. The store is honest, despite the delay of arrival of the parcel. This is not from the seller. It is from the country’s mail where the item is strong and fixed on the table. Thanks Seller Iwa
A***a –
фигурка даже лучше чем ожидали. Очень быстрая доставка.
A*******a P. –
фигурка даже лучше чем ожидали. Очень быстрая доставка.
R***a –
Excellent seller, very good product !! I have not been charged for sure I will buy more with you .. thank you
R****n V. –
Excellent seller, very good product !! I have not been charged for sure I will buy more with you .. thank you
R***a –
Excellent seller, very good product !! I was not charged for sure you buy more with you .. thank you
R****n V. –
Excellent seller, very good product !! I was not charged for sure you buy more with you .. thank you
R***a –
Excellent seller, very good product !! I was not charged for sure I’ll buy more with you .. thank you
R****n V. –
Excellent seller, very good product !! I was not charged for sure I’ll buy more with you .. thank you
R****n V. –
Excellent store, very good product !! I was not charged for sure I’ll buy more with you .. thank you
E***. –
el producto llego rapido y en buena calidad, la parte de abajo que se agarra al soporte vino un poco defectuoso por que tuve que cortarle cachos de las botas para que entrase en el soporte. por lo demas todo correcto y yo que me alegro.
E*********f .. –
el producto llego rapido y en buena calidad, la parte de abajo que se agarra al soporte vino un poco defectuoso por que tuve que cortarle cachos de las botas para que entrase en el soporte. por lo demas todo correcto y yo que me alegro.
R***a –
Excellent seller, very good product !! I have not been taxed for sure I will continue shopping with you .. thanks
R****n V. –
Excellent seller, very good product !! I have not been taxed for sure I will continue shopping with you .. thanks
O***a –
Упакованы куклы надёжно! Продавец ответственно подошёл к отправке. Куклы очень понравились детям. Заказ отслеживался по России, т. к. правильно присвоен номер (с буквами). Продавца рекомендую.
O***a B. –
Упакованы куклы надёжно! Продавец ответственно подошёл к отправке. Куклы очень понравились детям. Заказ отслеживался по России, т. к. правильно присвоен номер (с буквами). Продавца рекомендую.
Customer –
Очень долгая доставка, но это уже косяк почты России. Фигурой и продавцом очень доволен, покраска конечно не идеальная но смотрится очень красиво
Customer –
100% Satisfaction, everythink its ok.
I***s –
muy chula y rápido en llegar, gracias 🙂
I**n V. –
muy chula y rápido en llegar, gracias 🙂
I***e –
Фигурка классная, хорошо сделанная. Как на картинке. Была хорошо упакованна. Пришла быстро, до Сахалина за 25 дней.
I**n C. –
Фигурка классная, хорошо сделанная. Как на картинке. Была хорошо упакованна. Пришла быстро, до Сахалина за 25 дней.
F***o –
Very good product and fast delivery. congratz !
F****e V. –
Very good product and fast delivery. congratz !
W***a –
W****k L. –
R***n –
The order came in good condition and is the same as the one they offer. We hope to make new orders soon as we have liked the quality of the doll.
R****o F. –
The order came in good condition and is the same as the one they offer. We hope to make new orders soon as we have liked the quality of the doll.
T***o O. –
Excelente Vendedor! Igual ao anúncio!